Power Programmierung
Power-Programmierung (Tewi)(1994).iso
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141 lines
This file is paraphrased from files obtained from the Microsoft
Knowledge Base on Compuserve.
A Windows Device Independent Bitmap (DIB) v3.0 is composed of
four sections: BITMAPFILEHEADER, BITMAPINFOHEADER, color table, and
finally the image data itself. Each of these sections is defined below.
The BITMAPFILEHEADER data structure contains information about the type,
size, and layout of a device-independent bitmap (DIB) file.
The BITMAPFILEHEADER data structure contains the following fields:
Field Datatype Description
----- -------- -----------
bfType 2 byte character Specifies the type of file. It must be BM.
bfSize 4 byte integer Specifies the size of the file in bytes.
bfReserved1 2 byte integer Is reserved and must be set to zero.
bfReserved2 2 byte integer Is reserved and must be set to zero.
bfOffBits 4 byte integer Specifies in bytes the offset from the
beginning of the file to the actual bitmap.
The next section can be either a BITMAPINFOHEADER or BITMAPCOREHEADER.
The BITMAPCOREHEADER is for Presentation Manager v1.1 compatability and
is not described in this document.
BITMAPINFOHEADER contains the following fields:
Field Data type Description
----- --------- -----------
biSize 4 byte integer This field defines the size of the
biWidth, 4 byte integer Define the width and the height of the bitmap
biHeight in pixels. They are DWORD values for future
expansion, and the code in Windows versions
3.0 and 3.1 ignores the high word (which
should be set to 0).
biPlanes 2 byte integer Should always be 1. All DIB definitions rely
on biBitCount for color resolution definition.
biBitCount 2 byte integer Defines the color resolution (in bits per
pixel) of the DIB. Only four values are
valid for this field: 1, 4, 8, and 24.
biCompression 4 byte integer Specifies the type of compression. Can be
one of three values: BI_RGB, BI_RLE4, or
BI_RLE8 (0, 1, or 2). The most common and
useful choice, BI_RGB, defines a DIB in which
all is as it seems. Each block of biBitCount
bits defines an index (or RGB value for 24-bit
versions) into the color table. The other two
options specify that the DIB is stored (or will
be stored) using either the 4-bit or the
8-bit run length encoding (RLE) scheme that
Windows supports.
biSizeImage 4 byte integer Should contain the size of the bitmap proper
in bytes (i.e. without headers or color
biXPelsPerMeter,4 byte integer Define application-specified values for the
biYPelsPerMeter desirable dimensions of the bitmap. This
information can be used to maintain the
physical dimensions of an image across
devices of different resolutions. When
not filled in, they should both be set to 0.
biClrUsed 4 byte integer Provides a way for getting smaller color
tables. When this field is set to 0, the
number of colors in the color table is based
on the biBitCount field (1 indicates 2
colors, 4 indicates 16, 8 indicates 256, and
24 indicates no color table). A nonzero value
specifies the exact number of colors in the
table. So, for example, if an 8-bit DIB uses
only 17 colors, then only those 17 colors
need to be defined in the table, and
biClrUsed is set to 17. Of course, no pixel
can have an index pointing past the end of
the table.
biClrImportant 4 byte integer Specifies that the first x colors of the
color table are important to the DIB. If the
rest of the colors are not available, the
image still retains its meaning in an
acceptable manner. biClrImportant is purely
for application use; GDI does not touch this
value. When this field is set to 0, all the
colors are important, or rather, their
relative importance has not been computed.
Color Table
The color table immediately follows the header information. No color
table is defined for 24-bit DIBs. The table consists of an array of
RGBQUAD data structures. Red, green, and blue bytes are in reverse order
(red swaps position with blue) from the Windows convention. This is another
leftover from Presentation Manager compatibility.
The RGBQUAD data structure contains the following fields:
Field Data type Description
----- --------- -----------
rgbBlue Byte Blue component of the color.
rgbGreen Byte Green component of the color.
rgbRed Byte Red component of the color.
rgbReserved Byte Is not currently used and must be set to zero.
This structure is repeated for as many colors as are in the table (except
for 24 bit/pixel DIBs which use the data itself to represent the colors
and ignore the color table).
The final section contains the data itself. The biBitCount parameter
specifies the format of the data. The four possible formats are
described below.
biBitCount Data format
---------- -----------
1 DIBs are stored using each bit as an index into the color
table. The most significant bit is the leftmost pixel.
4 DIBs are stored with each 4 bits representing an index into
the color table. The most significant nibble is the leftmost
8 These DIBs are the easiest to store because each byte is an
24 DIBs have every 3 bytes representing a color (r, g, b).
The following rules apply to all formats:
- Every scanline is DWORD-aligned (DWORD=4 bytes). The scanline is buffered
to alignment; the buffering is not necessarily 0.
- The scanlines are stored upside down, with the first scan (scan 0)
in memory being the bottommost scan in the image.
This is another artifact of Presentation Manager compatibility.
- 64K segment boundaries are not respected; scanlines can cross such
boundaries (unlike the device-dependent bitmap format that is
buffered to 64K boundaries).